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Veteran Services

澳门正规网赌网址大全退伍军人服务中心帮助退伍军人和他们的家人获得更好的服务. There is no fee or cost for submitting an application for VA benefits. Our services are also free of charge.

We appreciate veterans and their service to our country. You will always be treated with courtesy and compassion at our office. We are committed to providing you with a clear, 完整准确地解释申请退伍军人福利和服务的过程.

If you want help in obtaining veteran benefits, please contact us and we will do our best to help you. Call 941.764.5579 与退伍军人服务官员交谈或访问我们的办公地点之一. Appointments are required for office visits.

Veteran Services Main Office
21500 Gibralter Drive
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Veteran Services West County Office
6868 San Casa Drive, Unit 12
Englewood, FL 34224


Disability Compensation from Veterans Affairs
To qualify, you must have:

  • served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training
  • a disability rating for your service-connected condition

Additionally, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • In-service disability claim: 在军队服役期间生病或受伤,并且可以将这种情况与你的疾病或受伤联系起来(称为在职残疾索赔)
  • Preservice disability claim: 在参军之前,你曾生病或受伤,而服役使情况变得更糟
  • Post service disability claim: 是否有与服役有关的残疾直到退役后才出现

Benefits for Presumed disabilities
如果你的残疾是由医生诊断出来的,我们认为这与你的兵役有关,因为服役的一个特定方面, 你可能会因为这种假定的残疾而获得残疾津贴. This usually applies to:

  • 一种慢性(长期)疾病,在出院后一年内出现
  • 一种因接触污染物(有毒化学物质)或其他有害物质而引起的疾病
  • An illness caused by your time spent as a prisoner of war (POW)


Veterans Pension Benefits from Veteran Affairs
To qualify, you must:

  • Be a wartime veteran
  • Not have a dishonorable discharge
  • 家庭年收入和净资产是否没有超过国会规定的上限. 净资产包括配偶的净资产和所有个人财产(不包括房子), car, and most home furnishings), minus any debt you owe

Additionally, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Be at least 65 years old
  • Have a permanent and total disability
  • Be a patient in a nursing home for long-term care because of a disability
  • 领取社会保障残疾保险或补充保障收入


  • Started on active duty before Sept. 1980年8月8日,服役至少90天,其中至少1天是在战时
  • Started on active duty as an enlisted person after Sept. 7, 1980, 并且在战时服役至少24个月,或者在你被征召或命令服役的整个时期(有一些例外)至少有1天
  • Were an officer and started on active duty after Oct. 1981年16日,而且你之前至少有24个月没有服现役

Pension with Aid and Attendance or Housebound Benefits

  • 你需要另一个人帮你做一些日常活动,比如洗澡, feeding and/or dressing
  • 因为生病,你不得不躺在床上,或者一天中的大部分时间都躺在床上
  • 你是一名因精神或身体残疾而住在养老院的病人
  • You have limited eyesight (less than 5/200 vision in both eyes with glasses or contact lenses; or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less)

如果你领取退伍军人事务养老金,并且由于永久性残疾,你大部分时间都呆在家里, you may be eligible for Housebound benefits. 你不能同时获得援助和出勤和居家福利.

Vocational Rehab and Employment

如果您有残疾,您可能有资格获得就业支持或服务,以帮助您尽可能独立生活, or made worse, 你的现役服役限制了你的工作能力或者阻止了你工作.

To qualify, you must:

  • Be a veteran
  • Not have a dishonorable discharge
  • 从退伍军人事务部获得的与服务相关的残疾评级至少为10%
  • Apply for Vocational Rehab and Employment services

Basic Period of Eligibility

  • Date of separation from active military service
  • First Veteran Affairs service-connected disability rating

如果职业康复顾问认为你有严重的就业障碍,你的基本资格期可以延长。. 有就业障碍意味着你的服务相关残疾限制了你为就业做准备的能力, obtain, 保持合适的工作(一份不会使你的残疾恶化的工作), is stable, and matches your abilities, aptitudes, and interests).

Burial Benefits

Veteran Affairs National Cemetery
Service members, veterans, 和家属可能有资格被安葬在退伍军人事务国家公墓. Burial honors may include a headstone, marker, medallion, burial flag and a Presidential Memorial Certificate. Some family members may also qualify for money to pay for burial costs.

To qualify, 有资格领取丧葬津贴的人士必须符合以下至少一项要求:

  • Be a veteran
  • Not have a dishonorable discharge
  • Be a service member who died while on active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty for training
  • Be a spouse or dependent child of a veteran even if the veteran died first
  • Be an unmarried adult dependent child of a veteran

Burial Allowance


  • Veteran’s surviving spouse (we recognize same-sex marriages)
  • Surviving child of the veteran
  • Parent of the veteran
  • 退伍军人遗产执行人或管理人(正式代表退伍军人的人)

Additionally, the veteran must:

  • Not have received a dishonorable discharge
  • Have been receiving a Veteran Affairs pension or compensation when they died
  • Have chosen to get military retired pay instead of compensation
  • Have died as a result of a service-connected disability
  • Have died while receiving Veteran Affairs care, 要么在退伍军人事务部的设施,要么在退伍军人事务部承包的设施
  • Have died while traveling to approved Veteran Affairs care
  • 死后重新申请退伍军人事务赔偿或养老金,使他们有资格获得福利
  • Have died on or after Oct. 9, 1996, while a patient at a Veteran Affairs approved state nursing home


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